BRASA’s Lifetime Contribution Award (LCA) recognizes a leader in the field of Brazilian studies with both a record of outstanding scholarly achievement and significant contributions to the promotion of Brazilian studies in the United States. It is awarded every two years, corresponding with the BRASA International Conference.

2024 BRASA Lifetime Contribution Awarded to

James N. Green

James N. Green

Amy Chazkel (Chair)
Aldair Rodrigues
Rebecca Tarlau

We are excited to honor James N. Green, Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Professor of Modern Latin American History and Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at Brown University, with the Brazilian Studies Association Lifetime Contribution Award. The committee awarded this honor to Jim for three reasons: 1) his impactful scholarship in an understudied area of scholarship in Brazilian studies—LGBTQ history—and the impact of this scholarship beyond the academy. 2) His contributions to BRASA, transforming it from a small group of Brazilianists in conversation to a major academic society; 3) his advocacy and activism in defense of Brazilian democracy. The nominating letter and additional letters of support for this award speak to his powerful impact in these three areas. His work as a scholar, teacher and public intellectual is marked by his masterful knowledge of Brazilian culture, history and politics and his theoretical sophistication concerning gender, sexuality, and power.

After an early career as a dedicated activist working for social justice in Brazil and elsewhere in Latin America as well as in the United States, Jim embarked on what would be a spectacularly successful and impactful academic career, yet never leaving his commitment to justice behind. Beginning with his early scholarship in his doctoral research and first book, he began a line of inquiry into the history of the multiple and often contested uses of urban space in Brazil, pioneering what was not yet even called LGBTQ history. His first monograph Beyond Carnival: Male Homosexuality in Twentieth-Century Brazil investigated the complexities of gay public life in Brazil’s two largest cities, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This work became an instant classic, won numerous prizes, and had a deep impact on the study of urban culture, public life, and the cultural politics of difference both within and way beyond the field of gender and sexuality studies.

Green’s second monograph, We Cannot Remain Silent: Opposition to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship documents the history of the grassroots, decentralized campaigns to denounce human rights violations in Brazil in the 1970s and 80s. This bookinspired the publication in English of a memoir about the political activities of Marcos Arruda, an exiled former political prisoner and one of the leaders of the solidarity movement in the United States. In 2018, Green published Exile within Exiles: Herbert Daniel, Gay Brazilian Revolutionary, which was simultaneously released in Brazil. Stage director and playwright Zé Henrique de Paula’s musical, Codinome Daniel, based on the book,debuted in São Paulo in 2024 in São Paulo. Jim is a rare US-based Brazlianist scholar whose work has had as much of an impact in Brazil as it has in the US. All of his books and academic articles have been translated to Portuguese and published in Brazil.

Jim’s contributions to BRASA are unparalleled. Elected to the Executive Committee in 1998, he was subsequently elected to Vice President followed by a term as President between 2002-2004. During this time, he played a crucial role in the restructuring and professionalization of BRASA. In 2015, he assumed the position of Executive Director, overseeing BRASA during a period of expansion and heightened political engagement. In 2018, Jim co-founded with Gladys Michell-Walthour the US Network for Democracy in Brazil, which brought together both scholars and activists concerned with academic freedom and Brazil’s deteriorating democracy during the Bolsonaro presidency. More recently, he was a co-founder and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Washington Brazil Office, a non-partisan think-tank and advocacy organization that works with Brazilian social movements and NGOs to facilitate a progressive international agenda on Brazil. This Lifetime Achievement Award bestows a richly deserved honor upon a scholar, mentor and proponent of Brazilian Studies throughout the world who has contributed so much to our collective understanding of the several fields he has researched: human rights in Latin America and beyond; LGBTQ culture and movements; cultural and transnational approaches to the understanding authoritarian military rule in Latin America; the contested uses of urban space; and the study of Brazil in general.



For the BRASA Lifetime Contribution Award

The Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA) is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the BRASA Lifetime Contribution Award. We invite members of the Brazilian studies community to submit their nominations for the recipient of this prestigious award, which will be presented at the BRASA XV International Conference, to be held at San Diego State University, April 2024.

Reflecting the primary mission of BRASA, the goal of this award is to recognize an individual with both a record of outstanding scholarly achievement and significant contributions to the promotion of Brazilian studies in the United States. The BRASA Executive Committee especially wishes to emphasize the criterion of lifetime contributions.

Nominees can be from any discipline or nationality but must have spent the greater part of their career involved in U.S.-based Brazilian studies activities. Nominees need not be members of BRASA.

Nominations will be reviewed by a BRASA award committee and voted on by the BRASA Executive Committee. The recipient will be announced before BRASA XVII in 2024. The recipient will also be invited to address the Congress. The BRASA vice president will present the recipient with a plaque of appreciation.

Nominations should consist of one substantial letter of recommendation outlining the accomplishments and contributions of the individual; a CV; and a list of five references prepared to provide additional letters, if necessary. Materials can be either in English or Portuguese. One nomination per individual is sufficient. No self-nominations or posthumous nominees will be accepted.