BRASA member dues cover two calendar years, January – December.
For example: If you became a member for our last conference in 2022, your membership expires December 31, 2023, regardless of enrollment date.
BRASA has two categories of membership: One for scholars based in the US or Europe, and one for scholars residing permanently in Brazil or developing countries. Please Note: All fees are in US Dollars.
Faculty: $100
Independent Scholar / Researcher: $50
Student: $30
Lifetime Membership: $2,000 (one-time payment)
Faculty: $80
Independent Scholar: $40
Student: $25
Lifetime Membership: $2,000 (one-time payment)
Early registration rates are for Members only and are valid through December 31, 2023. Regular rates begin January 1, 2024. Registration closes March 1, 2024.