THE Brazil Initiation Scholarship will be Return in 2025


Masters at the University of São Paulo
Project Title: “The Rise and Fall of the Brazilian Coffee Regime: A Political and Global History (1953-1958)”


PhD at the University of California, Santa Cruz
Project Title: “Between Black Roots and Asphalt: Quilombola Political Struggles in West Pará (1888-1988)”

The Brazil Initiation Scholarship (BIS) is a key component of BRASA’s mission to support Brazilian Studies around the world and particular in the United States. BRASA invites applications from graduate students for a one-time travel scholarship of $3000 to do exploratory research in Brazil or in the US. One student based in the US and one student based in Brazil will be awarded. For US-based students the BIS should contribute to the student’s initial trip (for a period of at least three weeks) to develop contacts with Brazil-based students and professors and initiate original research related to Brazil. For Brazil-based students the BIS should contribute to the student’s initial trip (two weeks minimum), to develop contacts with US-based students and professors and conduct research in support of a project focused on Brazil. Students are encouraged to combine this scholarship with other grants or awards.

Application Information

Graduate students from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences are eligible. In exceptional cases, applications from the natural sciences will be given consideration (for example, someone in environmental sciences who is writing a dissertation on the Amazon or pollution in São Paulo and who plans to continue research on Brazil).

Preference will be given to those applicants who have little or no experience in the destination country. Successful applicants may combine BIS with other grants, scholarships, or awards, as long as he/she specifies clearly how the funds are going to be spent (for example, the BRASA scholarship might be used to cover travel costs, while a grant from another source could be used for living expenses, etc.). Applicants are required to be BRASA members at the time of submission.

Successful applicants may combine BIS with other grants, scholarships, or awards, as long as he/she specifies clearly how the funds are going to be spent (for example, the BRASA scholarship might be used to cover travel costs, while a grant from another source could be used for living expenses, etc.). Applicants are required to be BRASA members at the time of submission.

Application Process: A complete application (partial applications will not be considered) will include the following documents:

  1. A one-page prospectus (double spaced, 12-point font)
  2. A one-page résumé or CV
  3. A budget specifying how the $3000 will be spent
  4. A one-page bibliography on the subject of study, and evidence that the applicant has achieved at least an intermediate level of competence in Portuguese/English
  5. Membership at time of submission
  6. One letter of recommendation, preferably from advisor

All other materials should be submitted together either as a PDF file in a single email to In the subject line write “BIS 2023 Submission + your name” and nothing else. (e.g. BIS 2023 Submission Smith, Mary). The reference letter can be submitted separately, in this case please make sure to add the candidate name on the file name.

Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process: In order to be considered for the scholarship, the two-page prospectus should:

  • Clearly and coherently outline the project’s engagement with Brazil
  • Demonstrate as precisely as possible the feasibility of the proposed exploratory research project and how it will contribute to the student’s academic development
  • Briefly discuss the role the work undertaken in Brazil will play in shaping the applicant’s future course of academic study (for instance, it could be the seed project for a larger grant application, provide the basis of a paper prepared for presentation at a BRASA conference, or serve as the foundation for future research on Brazil)

Report: Upon completion of the research experience in Brazil, recipients are required to file a two-page, double-spaced report with the BRASA Executive Director summarizing their activities and identifying relevant academic outcomes. In addition, a statement accounting for the expenditure of funds must be sent to the BRASA Executive Director. Following completion of studies in Brazil, BRASA strongly encourages recipients to participate in a subsequent BRASA Conference in order to report on their activities.

Deadline for application: March 1, 2025

Awards will be announced by April 1, 2025.

If you encounter trouble initiating or renewing membership, please notify us but send in your application.